Monday, January 27, 2014

My Open Cover Letter

 Photo: Deborah Rossouw

Good Day,

My name is Frank, and I'm a professional, and internationally published photographer. I'm writing this little blurb in the hopes of finding employment. I will not lie to you (honesty, it's one of my major traits), I am expensive. For very good reason though.

If I end up as your employee, you'll get a bargain. For not only am I a photographer, I also come with a few bonuses, for example, a fully equipped and functioning studio in a prime location: Woodstock, less than 5 minutes from the CBD.

I come with character references, as well as work references; in fact, I also have the ability to befriend any dog. Hell, even though I'm not a cat person, I can still make them purr if need be. I've even resuscitated a mole. How many people have you employed who have done that?

Working after hours, and over weekends does not faze me in the slightest. I've been working since I was a child of 9. Being a paper-boy taught me how to befriend dogs with a desire to savage me. Yes, this is a direct translation to having to deal with difficult clients.

The studio I come with.

I have a terrible sense of humour so I won't be distracted by people telling jokes. Once I'm focused on a task, it becomes my priority.

I pride myself on quality. I may be a little cluttered, some may even say untidy, but since I'd be based in my studio, you wouldn't have to deal with that flaw.

I enjoy travel, and in no way am I afraid of aircraft or flight. Without a doubt, I am the best person to fly with. Pilot has a heart attack, no worries. I was trained as a pilot and Shell Aviation even qualified me to refuel aircraft.

So let's reiterate:

Skilled photographer, ex-pilot, mole saviour and I come with my own studio. How could you afford not to employ me?

If you would like to see my portfolio, or any of my references, or if you'd like to view my studio please to not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,
Frank Moody

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